Workplace Accidents
Accidents that occur at work typically fall under worker's compensation laws, and employees generally cannot sue their employers in tort. However, an injured worker may bring a disputed claim for worker’s compensation through the office of workers compensation. In some instances, the injured worker may file a lawsuit for intentional conduct against his employer or against at-fault third parties. Chris Faucheux offers 100% free consultations on workplace accidents. Contact Chris today at 985-652 -1111 for a free no hassle consultation.
Just Call ChrisJust Call ChrisTypes of Work-Related Injury cases
Workplace injuries can include various types of accidents including heavy machinery accidents, falling objects, struck by objects, accidents involving loaders, lifting accidents, car accidents, and trip & fall accidents. Injuries can include muscle strains, burns, fractures, broken limbs, cuts and lacerations, inhaling toxic fumes, and even wrongful death.

Compensation owed to louisiana workers:
Compensation for workplace accidents varies depending upon the circumstances. An injured worker is entitled to statutory damages, medical costs, mileage for traveling to medical services, and more. If you are unable to work it is likely that your employer, or their insurer, will have to cover your lost wages, up to ⅔ of your prior annual salary. Additionally, if you return to work but make less than 90% of what you earned before the accident, you might be eligible for other benefits such as supplemental earnings benefits. If you cannot return to work and have to seek a new career, your employer may also be required to pay for vocational rehabilitation services, including training costs for a new position.
Blast Injuries
Explosions can cause injuries that impact your quality of life for a lifetime. It could cause you to miss months of work or you may be unable to go back to work permanently. Primary Blast Injuries occur due to direct impact with a blast and can result in traumatic brain injuries or other damage to your lungs, internal organs damage, eyes, and eardrums. Secondary Blast Injuries are when explosions cause materials, objects, or debris to disperse and strike nearby individuals. Tertiary Blast Injuries occur when someone is thrown back from the blast, which can cause severe injuries such as broken bones/fractures, traumatic amputations, and head/brain injuries. Additional damages may include burn injuries, crush injuries, angina, and asthma or COPD due to excessive inhalation of dust, smoke, or toxic fumes. Explosions can cause a wide variety of injuries, both minor and significant.

why hire an attorney after a workplace injury?
Its best to hire an experienced attorney after a workplace accident because an experienced attorney knows your legal rights. Chris Faucheux has litigated several workers compensation claims in Louisiana and he only represents people who have been seriously injured. Your employer or their insurance company may try to avoid liability or pay you as little as possible. Your employer may also seek to fire you after a workplace accident. When you hire an experienced lawyer after an injury at work, you have access to years of accumulated knowledge and experience. Chris Faucheux is an attorney with substantial experience, and he can help you. Chris has a long history of success, and he will provide you honest representation that serves your interests. If your employer tries to demote or fire you because you filed a workers compensation claim, Chris will work to hold them accountable for their wrongful conduct.
Case Results
Real Clients. real results.
Don’t just take our word for it. Our results prove that Chris is the man you need on your team. Over and over, Chris has gone to great lengths to ensure his clients recover.
just call chris today
Your pain and losses from a workplace injury should never be overlooked or brushed aside. Chris will use his expertise to fight for your rights to make sure you are fairly compensated after a workplace injury.
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see how we can help
The Law Office of Chris Faucheux is a personal injury law firm located at 197 Belle Terre Blvd., in LaPlace, LA. Our law firm focuses on auto accidents, 18 wheeler accidents, maritime accidents and wrongful death litigation. If you have been seriously injured in an accident just call Chris at 985-652-1111.